Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wednesday 12/4

Today, you and your partner will make many decisions about your song as you begin the planning process.  Please follow these steps very closely:
1. open your workspace
2. scroll down to the last box under Phase 3
3. open this document  Phase 4--ROUGH DRAFT PLAN
4. highlight and copy all of it (DO NOT GO TO FILE TO DO THIS)
5. paste it directly under your phase 3

Now we are ready:
1. Fill out the first 4 boxes of phase 4
2. Now, let's listen to the possible beats. (linked to word ideas in box 5)
3. Now, fill out the blue boxes--these are prompting you to think about the purpose of each stanza
After you have a general plan for each stanza CHECK IN WITH TEACHER
4. Fill out the research, key words and information from your primary source might be included in this stanza box, CHECK IN WITH TEACHER
5. Work on RD of stanza 1--handwritten or digital--if handwritten include pic of final RD in box on workspace
 HW: Complete RD stanza 1 of handwritten be sure pic is on workspace.

Beat links:
Newer beats    Older available beats


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