Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Day # 18

Continue to work on checklist or read your IR books
Support your techie by providing any materials he/she needs
When your techie calls you in to go over movie-be efficient with time this
will be your last opportunity to check your work

HW: Don’t forget your skates or $ for concessions tomorrow

Day # 17

Day #17
Tuesday 12/18
Finish checklist

Monday, December 17, 2018

Day # 16

Monday 12/17
Team Meeting--discuss how narrations will be done, who will be best at creating
the imovie and who is best at using a checklist.  Techies, creative supporters
Sign up to record
Practice, practice, practice--pay attention to when you are on deck.
Record--you have only 6 minutes in the studio so be ready  INSTRUCTIONS
Narration must be recorded-decide as a team how this will be  done, will you
share the load? Will you designate one narrator?
Imovie creator-this person needs to record first in team
Pics in folder-be sure the actual image on your team share has the link to the
photo directly. (the one that says pic # is to the website)

Not sure what to do if you are not recording:
Be sure your photos are linked directly to the photo on the team share (highlight
the photo apply the link)
Record narrations and be sure those are shared with the person who will be your
imovie maker (they must be clearly named)
Be sure your pictures are named correctly

Listen to your track and determine the exact location your picture should
switch-record the times on your teamshare sheet)

HW: be sure you are ready to record if you have not, make sure pictures are
linked correctly
read 20 minutes

Friday, December 14, 2018

Day #15 Friday 12/14

Objective 1: Putting it all together
You chose an order for your songs, now you have to articulate how they go
together follow steps below to do this:
* Create bridge slide-Name of City and slogan (use hardcopy for RD)
* Write narration line(s) for in between songs-use hardcopy for Rd then someone type    
   out final draft and share with others and me.

Objective 2: Prepare and Practice
Use the remaining time to be sure all of the following are complete-we record on
    *Narration work from above complete and shared
    *3 images chosen, linked (be sure linked to the website not just the photo)
    *Final draft carefully edited with Title emboldened
    *Hardcopy of final draft printed
    *practice with your beat, practice again, practice again

HW: you are recording on Monday--be ready

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Day # 14

#1 - Check in with team leader after completing #1.  At that point
students may want to consider adjusting/adding to song to
address any shortcomings when it comes to history, sensory
imagery and figurative language.

#2 - Each student must read through his/her song TWO TIMES while
  listening to the beat.  This is the last opportunity to make
  adjustments to the song. Adjustments should be made.

#3 Find 3 images.
          *they must be original images
* they must come from a reputable site
* they must be linked inside your colored box on the Teamshare
*they must be inserted in your Teamshare Document under your
song map and labeled

If time remains (doubtful) students can practice singing their song.

 HW - Practice your Flocab!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Day #13 Wednesday 12/12

Objective 1: (20 minutes)
A. Commit to a beat.
B. Consider mood of song when choosing beat to use. You are free to use any
  one of the 20 beats from THIS FOLDER. If you have your own beat, pull it up.
You must be sure to place the link on your Final Flocab Document.
We will learn how to properly cite the source later and you must have it.

If time allows-make changes to your lyrics so the beat is matched

Objective 2: (Rest of class)
Team meeting →  ideas for title and images:
Print your song
Write the order number on top of your song
Now let’s help each other.
There are specific directions on the handout but here is the quick overview:
The first read all the way through looking for ideas for title
The second read stop after each section looking for ideas for images


HW: Complete handout, Add title to Final Flocab Doc

          Finalize lyrics so they match the beat--songs should be ready to record

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Day # 12 Tuesday 12/12/18

Step 1:  Pull up final draft of your song
Stanza 1 - Should be confidently done
Stanza 2 - Should be confidently done
Which remaining stanzas/chorus do you want feedback on?
  1. Your coach/teacher will provide feedback on one
  2. You will pair share with teammate on another
Step 2:Indicate which stanza you want us to look at by highlighting that stanza
entirely in green.
Step 3: Choose someone you trust to give you good feedback and pair share a
different stanza. Write down suggestions as they are given.
Step 4: Get back to work making final changes to your song. You may find as you
listen to beats that further changes will have to be made in order to fit your song
into the beat

HW: Final draft of song complete on Final Flocab document
         Consider which beat you will use, if it is not one of ours, come in with the
Bring earbuds for tomorrow’s class.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Day # 11 Monday

NYC Photos:

Chicago Photos:

Pittsburgh Photos:

San Francisco Photos:

Transitions--what are their purpose?
Power of repetition

You are writing a musical, this requires there to be a connection between each of
your songs. This connection has to be communicated to your audience. We are
going to ask you to do this in 2 ways. As a group you will need to settle on what
we will call a bridge and the other is a transitional narration. Let’s talk about the
bridge first.
BRIDGE: This is 2-3 lines that capture the fabric of your city and your slogan.
This will be played directly after every song and should, therefore, somehow pull
in ideas that illustrate your city--consider images and for sure your slogan has to
be in this.

TRANSITIONAL NARRATION: These are lines that are crafted specifically for the
purpose of moving your song along. They will include a line that recaps the info
from the song before and one that is a preview of the song to come.

THEME → The Great Plains late 1800’s
Topic 1 → Custer’s Last Stand
Topic 2 → Carlisle Indian School
Topic 3 → Hunting the Buffalo
Topic 4 → Massacre at Wounded Knee
Topic 5 → Reservation Life
Meet with group. Work out the order you will be delivering
your songs. Record this on your team share document.
to show

Work on finalizing last few stanzas of song.

HW: Song is complete on Final Flocab document

Friday, December 7, 2018

#10 Friday

1st half:  Individual work on song-Mr. Clark and Ms. Carlisto will comment on stanza 2
2nd half: More work on song
3 Finalized parts typed on your Final Flocab Document and the rest of your song roughed out

  • Stanza 1--typed on final flocab document
  • Stanza 2--typed on final flocab document
  • Stanza 3 or Chorus--typed on final flocab document
  • Rough draft rest of song--on looseleaf

Thursday, December 6, 2018

DAY # 9Thursday 12/6/18

  1. (1-3 Minutes) Teamshare document - shared with team and Ms. C
  2. (3 Minutes) Finalize Slogan - Reminder all songs should CONNECT to
  slogan. Does yours?  Post Slogan above class posters
    3. (10 Minutes) MAP out song--This is done on teamshare doc
    4. (20 Minutes) Write rough draft for Stanza 2 - looseleaf paper.
    5. (25 Minutes) Make your best choice:
A. Work with a team member to pair/share stanza 2, and write new version
   B) Write rough draft for Stanza 3
C) Write Chorus for Song
Homework and rest of class:
If you chose A:
1. Transfer Final Stanza 2 to Final Flocab Document
2. Write rough draft for Stanza 3 OR Write rough draft Chorus for Song

If you chose B:
1. Rough draft stanza 3 done
2. Finalize stanza 2 and transfer to Final Flocab Document
If you chose C:
     1. Rough draft chorus done

     2. Finalize stanza 2 and transfer to Final Flocab Document

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

DAY # 8 Wednesday 12/5

Day #8 Wednesday 12/5
Final Flocab document
--name it by replacing “copy of” with cityyourname (PittsburghAngieFlocabulary
--share with Ms. C
--transfer first stanza

City Group share “final” first stanzas
Teamwork share document
--make copy of this teamshare document
--name it by replacing “copy of” with assigned city (NYCteamshare)
--Share with everyone in team AND Ms. C
--consider the different topics that are present in your city, then you will, as a
group, create a slogan for your city-
         What is a slogan?
         It is a short memorable phrase that captures the essence of the place
--brainstorm connecting ideas--ideas that connect your topics should be listed
on the teamworkshare doc

Map out the rest of your song (on teamshare doc)

Write stanza 2 of your song

HW: Be sure you have a plan to redo your flipgrid if you haven’t yet
       Final stanza 1 completed and typed
       Slogan must be complete and recorded on teamshare sheet

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Day # 7 Tuesday

Day # 7 Tuesday 12/4

Flipgrid Grades are in and will be a separate grade in Social Studies because it is
SS content.  If you are unhappy with your grade you may redo the flipgrid by the
end of this week. It must be done at school, with the knowledge of a teacher.

Wondering where you are headed? Here is a sampling of past pieces.
1 Thatcher, 2 James and Eliza, 3-Zach Richards
Your job now is to start creating your own song by writing the first stanza. The
focus is JUST on STANZA ONE.

Before you start writing you must Identify the following at the top of your paper:
(Ex. Song about Carlisle Indian School)
Narrator - Young Cheyenne boy
Location - Cheyenne Indian Reservation
Time - The government agent is there to gather the kids to go to Carlisle via

  • Be sure to use images to relay ideas (they work better than telling)
  • A stanza is typically between 6 and 8 lines

Now you are going to get into your city groups. It is important to recognize you
are all in this together. The better each individual song is, the better your whole
project will be so help each other out, make suggestions and give praise when it is
Group tasks:
   --share your work so far. Remember this is a first draft. It will have some
strengths but will most likely need to be “finessed”. Listen to each other and
provide solid feedback (1 praise, 1 suggestion per person)
--Once ALL work has been shared and ideas shared, you will consider the
different topics that are present in your city, then you will, as a group,
create a slogan for your city--this will be shared with Mr. Clark and Ms. Carlisto
and will be recorded

What is a slogan?
It is a short memorable phrase that captures the essence of the place

HW: Prepare for and schedule with a teacher your flipgrid redo
"finalize" your first stanza you will need it for the beginning of class tomorrow

RUN DMC 1:13-1:34