Friday, March 23, 2018

Day #15 Friday

Here is a link to the Clarklisto 2018 Podcast. 
Podcasts 2,11,14, and 15 can be found on this Youtube

Today is the day to finish up listening to your 7 podcasts and assessing them using this same survey

Be sure you have shared your document with the 7 write-ups with me.

Additionally, you will need to assess your own podcast. We intentionally save this task for the end so you have a gauge. How does yours stack up to your peer's podcast?  While you relisten to your own, take notes. Then complete this survey of assessment.

All assessments are due by the end of the day.  If you left early for break--be sure to complete these before your return on Monday, April 9.

WWII books are due on Monday when we get back.

Bring your books with you, be prepared to write about your book, reveal the connections you made to history and cite the page numbers where those connections are.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Day #14 Thursday 3/22

Here is a link to the Clarklisto 2018 Podcast. 
Podcasts 2,11,14, and 15 can be found on this Youtube

Today you will assess each other’s podcasts using the assessment tool we introduced you to at the
beginning of the project.

Please find your name on this assignment sheet, highlight it. You should find it is highlighted 7 times.
You are required to assess each one of the 7 podcasts.

You will assess the 7 podcasts one at a time. You will need to take notes while listening.

Then you will fill out this survey for the podcast you have just listened to BUT the paragraph
response the survey asks for needs to be first typed on the copy you make of this document and
then copied and pasted into the survey.

All Assessments must be completed by the end of the block on Friday. You do not have any time to

REMINDER WWII book is due April 9th with post its of connection

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Day # 13 Thursday 3/15

Today is a recording and work submission day. Follow steps below:

TO Record:
Sign out and ipad
find either voice recorder or Garageband on the ipad
find a quiet space--Mr. Clark's room, recording studio, computer lab or FACS room
Record with sound effects.
Exit room and return to Ms. Carlisto's room

When you are done recording:
  1. Send podcast to your drive (be sure you are signed in as you)
  2. Share podcast with your group and with me (turn link sharing on)
  3. Find one picture for your main story (save the link to this on your script) This will be displayed when the podcast is being played. Be sure it is “labeled for re-use” and not a copyright infringement
  4. Write a “teaser” for your podcast. (This will be displayed with the chapter markers) this too should be on your main script
  5. Fill out this survey. You will need all of the info you just put on your main script when filling this form out. Only 1 per group.
Reminder WWII IR books are due on April 9th
Be ready to have fun starting 6:30 Sunday Morning

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Day # 12 Wednesday 3/14

Ready to record? Have you completed all steps below?

  1. Script is complete and a readthrough has been done so it is clear there are no typos
  2. All SWS are pasted in exactly as they will be read (each in individual colors)
  3. It is clearly labeled who will be speaking which parts (like a play script)
  4. All sound effects are properly linked either as a log below the script or within the script where they will be played.
  5. You have read through the podcast at least 4 times with the sound effects cued and played.
Sign out and ipad
find either voice recorder or Garageband on the ipad
find a quiet space--Mr. Clark's room, recording studio, computer lab or FACS room
Record with sound effects.

When you are done recording:
  1. Send podcast to your drive (be sure you are signed in as you)
  2. Share podcast with your group and with me (turn link sharing on)
  3. Find one picture for your main story (save the link to this on your script) (this will be displayed when the podcast is being listened to) Be sure it is “labeled for re-use” and not a copyright infringement
  4. Write a “teaser” for your podcast. (This will be displayed with the chapter markers) this too should be on your main script
  5. Fill out this survey.
Reminder WWII IR books are due on April 9th
Bring Bags into school tomorrow. Bring into FACS room.
Be sure to pack for walking and for the weather
(RAIN in the forecast)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Day #11-Tuesday 3/13 Prep to record, record and finalize.

Today we will give you the first half of the block to clean things up. Be sure all sound effects are linked
and that each link does work so when you practice, you can practice with sound effects.

You are ready to record when the following steps have been completed:

  1. Script is complete and a readthrough has been done so it is clear there are no typos
  2. All SWS are pasted in exactly as they will be read (each in individual colors)
  3. It is clearly labeled who will be speaking which parts (like a play script)
  4. All sound effects are properly linked either as a log below the script or within the script where they will be played.
  5. You have read through the podcast at least 4 times with the sound effects cued and played.

When you are done recording:
  1. Send podcast to your drive (be sure you are signed in as you)
  2. Share podcast with your group and with me (turn link sharing on)
  3. Find one picture for your main story (save the link to this on your script) (this will be displayed when the podcast is being listened to) Be sure it is “labeled for re-use” and not a copyright infringement
  4. Write a “teaser” for your podcast. (This will be displayed with the chapter markers) this too should be on your main script
  5. Fill out this survey.

Reminder WWII IR books are due on April 9th

Monday, March 12, 2018

Day #10 --> Monday 3/12

                     Today is FINAL Prep Day

Each group needs to:

1. Finalize the Podcast:

A) Make sure your MAIN STORY is finalized and exactly how you need it to be on the main document.

B) Each individual should make sure his/her individual story is complete.  150-200 words.  Then each SWS should be pasted into the main story.  Please make each SWS a different color.

C) Make sure it is clear in the FINAL Podcast who will speak.

D) Once each SWS is added in make sure you have properly transitioned into an out of it in the FINAL PODCAST.

Here is an example:


2. Now that the FINAL VERSION is complete you need to do the following:

A) Find your sound effects.  At the bottom of your main document LINK your sound effects.

B) Make sure you insert in the FINAL PODCAST DOCUMENT where the sound effects occur.

3. Once all these aspects are complete.  PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

A) Practice reading your main story as a group of 3.

B) Practice reading your SWS.

(Have a hard version available to practice with.  If changes need to be made, make them)

C) Tomorrow, we start recording.  Be prepared!


Friday, March 9, 2018

Day #9 Friday 3/9

Today we will give you time to work on your SWS. You are all encouraged to bring these short pieces ALIVE. Here is a quick example of what we mean.

When you think you have brought it to life, you will need to find someone you trust to read it to. You should tell them what you want them to listen for (take a look at the handout). Now find one other person you trust to be a good critic and get feedback from him/her as well. That is a minimum of 2 other opinions on your SWS. Make them count

Return to your SWS and make any and all changes necessary to make us want to hear what you have found out about your subtopic.

HW: Keep reading those IR books and noting any connections you can make, and be sure your SWS is ready to record.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Day #8 Thursday 3/8

Today you get the whole block to use the suggestions given to you about your main story and make
it into the best story it can be. Be sure to write in transitions from speaker to speaker or at least decide
when a speaker will change not always necessary to prompt that. Make it sound NATURAL.

Use this checklist to help guide your changes.

Include a link to each SWS exactly where it will be spoken out loud in the story.
ANGIE SWS Japan Strategy

HW: Final Draft of the main story due tomorrow.
Also remember to read your WWII IR books-- they are due on April 9th.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Day # 7 Wednesday 3/7

Today is devoted to writing your SWS and getting feedback from us.

The first step is to take out your article and any notes you have from yesterday.

Next you will need to consider how you will organize your SWS. Remember, while it is to be informative,
it also still has to grab and pull your audience along.

Listen to Mr. Clark’s SWS and determine how he broke it down into “acts”

Now fill out the graphic organizer in order to map out your SWS.

Next log into your drive, press the new button and create a new Google doc.Name
it yourname SWS  AngieSWS and share it with me.

Now type your SWS. It should be anywhere from 150-200 words in length and be quality work
that you can be proud of completing.

While you are working on your SWS, Ms. Carlisto will talk with each of you in your groups
about your main story. I will provide feedback about how to make it a stronger Podcast.

HW: Completed SWS due in class tomorrow.
Reminder--Flipgrid re-do is due by tomorrow

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Day #6 Tuesday 3/6

Today is devoted to identifying the possibilities for stories within the main
story (SWS)

You will do this by creating a map that shows at least 6 researchable stories within the stories.
See picture below.
Decision time:
Consider each option and discuss the pros and cons of developing the story--consider how it will fit into
the main story you just finished writing yesterday.

Decide who is doing which SWS. Open your rough draft, find the spot you will insert your SWS and
type your name and the topic you will research in large red letters exactly where it fits in the story.  

Roll up your sleeves and research
Find an article from a reputable source that will give you enough information to write your own
"story within the story". Remember this is not an eyewitness account but more like a research article
that you need. Use the research strategies we used at the beginning of the year. You will be required
to get our approval for the article and the SWS.

Remember, you have to write an interesting piece on this topic. This requires you to know it well. Read for understanding. If there is not enough information, find another resource.

HW: Article must be annotated heavily and notes taken

Monday, March 5, 2018

Day # 5 Monday 3/5/18

  1. Take out your story map & story
  2. Open that shared intro document, decide which intro you want to use to start the retell of your soldier’s story. (5 min)
  3. Talk each other through the story as it will be told (it’s good to talk it through before writing it) (5 min)
  4. Discussion of writing roles:
    1. Main writer-this person is in charge of telling the story. He/she should not be too concerned about making sure it is perfect. The main purpose is to get the story out and down on paper.  This person is listening and writing.
    2. The writer/editor-This person is in charge of finessing the story. In other words, he/she will tighten up the wording, make it sound more natural, pay attention to putting it in script format etc..  This person will fix mistakes made by writer.
    3. The writer/researcher-This person will be in charge of researching details as the story progresses. The history has to be accurate and many stories make reference to ideas that may need to be further researched.  This person may need to re-read parts of the original or look up information from other sources.
  5. Begin typing the rough draft of the story.  All students should be working. A solid rough draft is due by tomorrow. There should be evidence of work from all 3 members
  6. Exit ticket-Fill out the half sheet of paper and turn it in

Link to podcast without SWS

HW: Rough draft COMPLETE
Don’t forget if you are redoing your Flipgrid--Thursday is the deadline

Friday, March 2, 2018

Day #4 Friday 3/2

Part 1:What makes the cut? Re-read the story in order to determine which parts need to
be part of the retell and which parts can be left out. Use highlighters to help organize.
--This is meant to be thoughtful discussion.

Part 2: Organize your story--how will you tell it? Fill out this sheet in hard copy.
One per group.

Part 3:  Each group memeber will write an introduction to their
podcast. One group member must copy this template, share it
with your team and with me. ALL introductions are to be typed
on this one doc.

HW: Individual introductions due Monday. Be creative!
Re-do of Flipgrid due Thursday

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Day # 3 Thursday 3/1

Flip Grid Opportunity - We have graded your explanations of your main topic. The grade is currently in Mr. Clark's gradebook. It is a pretty significant grade. The goal of the flip grid was to make sure students had a strong understanding of the part of WWII that your person's story takes place. We realize your understanding of the topic may improve as you read more. Also, we hope that students who do not yet understand their main topic with clarity will take steps to learn the content. It will make you better appreciate your story and make your podcast more informative. With that we will allow any student to REPLACE his/her flipgrid grade by redoing it. This must be completed by Wednesday, March 7. You must let us know you have redone your work.

Today is all about discussion of your person and his/her story.  You will use this handout to guide
your discussion. Each of you should fill it out as you reread the story.

Thoughtful, respectful discussion as you read through the story should be happening.  
You, as a group, will ultimately have to retell this story and this reread is intended to force you to hold
yourselves accountable to understanding the whole story. See example of what this may look like here.

HW: Be sure all possibilities for Story Within the Story are listed on the handout.
 Place an asterisk next to the one you are most interested in exploring.