Thursday, May 21, 2015

Clarklisto - Civil Rights Movement Preview

Clarklisto - Final Project - Civil Rights Movement
Monday 6/1 - NYS Science Test
Tuesday 6/2 - Photos of the Civil Rights Movement
Wednesday 6/3 - Overview of Civil Rights Movement
Thursday 6/4 - Civil Rights Research
Friday 6/5 - Continue Civil Rights Research
Monday 6/8 - Choose Before/During/After Topics
                       Research Three Topics / Find Supporting Docs
Tuesday 6/9 - ELA Writing Activity - Civil Rights
Wednesday 6/10 - Finalize Presentation Prep
Thurs/Friday 6/11-6/12 - Presentations

Topic:  Major League Baseball is Desegregated




Friday, May 15, 2015


Today is wrap up day. Projects should be done by Monday. Please consult this checklist to be sure you have it all done. When you present you will need to have access to your materials so share any digital work with Mrs. Carlisto ( through Google drive and be sure to have any physical work in Mr. Clark's classroom.

Reading logs collected for the week of 5/14-5/21 next Thursday--record research time!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thursday 5/14

Today we continued working on the projects encouraging thorough research before working on the final product.  The big idea rubric we discussed is attached here. Again, the point is to include accurate and plentiful history in your project.  Please consult the rubrics to help guide your work.

Overview rubric
Big idea one and Big idea 2 rubric

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday 5/12

Today we worked on the first big idea project further.  Remember-Often less is more! You need to be sure your overview like the example we showed yesterday is ready to roll. We will use this rubric to grade your presentation.

HW: Record research time reading on your logs-they will be collected Thursday.
Continue Research for your BIG ideas

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday 5/11

Today we spent the first 15 minutes explaining the timeline of the project and trying to make students recognize the hard work they need to put into this project.  We showed an example of the presentation all students will have to give in class before they present each of their 3 Big Idea projects. Students then began working on their first choice for the projects.  All students checked in on the "Status of the Class" sheet of paper before leaving class.

HW: Continue working on Project #.  Record reading time on reading log-150 minutes will be collected on Thursday.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday 5/8

Hand in completed Big idea handout. We will check these.

We will share example of one possible big idea example and talk you through expectations and your responsibility of getting creative and packing your presentation with history.

Research big idea in order to have enough information to complete your proposal.

Mr. Clark's example of big idea #1

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday 5/7

Review your 6 questions to make sure the answers are in your own words and developed well enough to show you have a solid understanding of your topic. Avoid the fluff--the five sentences should provide specific information.--Turn this in.

Work on the "Big Idea" worksheet. This is due tomorrow.

Due tomorrow:
BIG IDEA worksheet in full. Be sure to have it with you in class.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday 5/6

1. Continue to work on 5 THOROUGH responses to your 5 questions (5+ sentences for each)If you are not able to answer thoroughly--FIND ANOTHER ARTICLE (link it to your research document) Consider the links on the sides or military sites.

2.  Add points of interest from last night's inventory sheet to the google doc (remember this is the one that I shared with you). This should grow your 13 interesting ideas from 13-16.

3.  Highlight your top 6 choices off that list of 16.  DO not be arbitrary about this--what six really interest you? Be sure to choose a variety of options and ones you really can complete.

4.  Add a 6th question to your 5 question research document: What else do I need to know?  (Base this off your top 6 choices). What we mean by this is what additional information do you need to know to get these choices done?

5. Click on appropriate link below and fill out KN google doc  before you begin to research for the 6th question.

6. Find an additional source (link it to the google doc) and read through that source--take notes, annotate, ask questions and fill in the answer to your 6th question.

*******#'s 1 -6 are due for Thursday.  Every student MUST hand in hard copy of the SIX Questions with SIX answers (name Research)***********

7.  Work on completing the "BIG IDEA" handout. Refer to our model if you are uncertain of how to complete this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday 5/5

1.  Hand in hard copy of inventory sheet

2.  Work on 5 questions. THOROUGH responses are necessary--(5+ sentences)
If you are not able to answer thoroughly--FIND ANOTHER ARTICLE (link it to your research document) Consider the links on the sides or military sites.

3.  Add points of interest from last night's inventory sheet to the google doc. This should grow your 13 interesting ideas from 13-16.

4.  Highlight your top 6 choices off that list of 16.  DO not be arbitrary about this--what six really interest you? Be sure to choose a variety of options and ones you really can complete.

5.  Add a 6th question to your 5 question research document: What else do I need to know?  (Base this off your top 6 choices). What we mean by this is what additional information do you need to know to get these choices done?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday, May 4th


1. Finish the Letter/Inventory Sheet (Hard Copy and Shared with Teachers)
1. Finish the Letter/Inventory Sheet (Hard Copy and Shared with Teachers)
2. Start answering your 5 questions with THOROUGHNESS!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Resources for Understanding WWII

Use this timeline to place your letter in the context of the war.

BEFORE answering your 5 questions fill this sheet out-make a copy, print it AND share it via google docs.

Friday 5/1

Today will be a research day.

  • First be sure to name your shared 5 question research doc as : lastname research  (example: Smith research)
  • Begin researching your topic in the books on the shelf--record title of book on your research document you shared with us
  • Use the internet to further research your topicif necessary--place links to your resources on your research document share with us.

HOMEWORK:      Watch John Green's (the man who wote The Fault in Our Stars) Crash Course on WWII from Monday, April 27.  Answer 10 TRUE/FALSE questions as you view the video.

IN addition--Have at least one good article in hand or linked to your document.  And keep reading your IR books-logs collected Thursday.