1. Hand in hard copy of inventory sheet
2. Work on 5 questions. THOROUGH responses are necessary--(5+ sentences)If you are not able to answer thoroughly--FIND ANOTHER ARTICLE (link it to your research document) Consider the links on the sides or military sites.
3. Add points of interest from last night's inventory sheet to the google doc. This should grow your 13 interesting ideas from 13-16.
4. Highlight your top 6 choices off that list of 16. DO not be arbitrary about this--what six really interest you? Be sure to choose a variety of options and ones you really can complete.
5. Add a 6th question to your 5 question research document: What else do I need to know? (Base this off your top 6 choices). What we mean by this is what additional information do you need to know to get these choices done?
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