Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday 12/10

Time to put your thinking caps on and help make everyone's song better.

Be sure your pink paper has your names, the topic of your song and the stanza number on top. Place it on the center of your table.

We will now walk around and give feedback: 
1) What words work?
2) What rhymes work?
3) What rhymes are forced?
4) Is there enough feeling/emotion?
5) Where is it too textbookish?
6) Where are you confused?
7) What is awesome and must stay?

You must make ONE comment on each pink stanza (please initial).

Now it's time to bring this stanza to its final form by typing it on the final draft document you started yesterday.  

By the end of block 1, you should have two stanzas finalized.  

Block 2 - Write the rest of the song.

HW - Have a FINAL DRAFT of the whole song on the google document for class on Wednesday.

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