Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Day #19 - The Last Day

Today is dedicated to your Techie - He/She is the Most Important Person Today.

Your Techie Should Already Have:
1. Organized Songs
2. Organized Pictures
3. Organized Narratives
(Essentially the techie should have EVERYTHING he/she needs to construct the musical.)

The Techies will report to the computer lab and work with Ms. Carlisto.

All other students will report to Ms. Carlisto's classroom to finish any last minute individual FLOCAB needs and then work on MANDATORY ELA work and MANDATORY SS8 work.

1. Determine where pictures should change:

2. Students need to confirm CHECKLIST is complete.
3. Once boxes 1-4 are complete you will hand in FINAL song to Mr. Clark.
4. During the block techie will "call" for each team member to align song and photos.  Once that occurs box 5 is complete and can be handed to Ms. Carlisto as you leave lab.

Once all components of FLOCAB are done students need to complete TWO requirements:
     Social Studies 8 - Watch these 2 videos on the industrial time period.  You make take notes as you watch.  Then you will take a quiz on the topics.  Notes can be accessed.
         Video 1
             Video 2
     ELA 8 -Complete this Reflection Survey.
(Reflection is 5% of the grade): 
     5 pts. --> paragraph response, thoughtful, answered questions
      4 pts. --> paragraph response, mostly thoughtful, mostly answered questions
      3 pts --> Not a paragraph, some thought, some aspects answered
      2 pts --> Minimal sentences, little thought, aspects of questions not answered
      1 pt --> Answers hastily done, not full sentence(s), answered with little thought
      0 pt --> Not Completed

Day #18 - Wednesday, December 20

Day # 18
Group meeting:
  • Each leader shares out:
    • Where are we?
      • What do we have done?
      • What do we still need to do.
  • Techies let everyone know what your needs are and get to work in the computer lab.
  • Recording resumes. When on deck must be in hall, must have beat loaded on device and hard copy in hand
  • Be sure roles are assigned and shared with Ms. C (named: time of block color roles example am red roles)
  • Complete work warehouse document (one per team)
  • Be sure each leader has clearly communicated how to share needed information (in most cases this means creating a Google doc
  • Record songs (Directions here)
  • Record narrations
  • Share all recordings to I-tunes, send link to your techy via the google doc created by the recording specialist
  • Find pictures for your songs from reliable sources
  • Share pictures and links with the picture overseer in whatever format you have agreed upon ( I suggest a google doc)who will share this info with your techy
  • Lead narrator must make sure an image is chosen (and found) for when the narration occurs
  • Techy finishes imovie
  • I-movie shared to Quicktime and saved on desktop
  • Quicktime movie uploaded to YouTube (unlisted)
  • Link to movie emailed to Ms. Carlisto
  • Each student gathers all drafts of song (yes all the way back to the worksheet with boxes-arrange them in order those worksheets need to be on the bottom and then each successive draft placed on top until you have the final draft you used to record on the top. Staple these and hand them into Mr. Clark CAPITALIZATION and SPELLING MATTER

Hard copy checklist to be turned into Mr. Clark

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Day #17 Tuesday 12/19

GOAL: Completed I-movie shared to YouTube by Thursday.

Today is the day you record and it gets busy! You are going to have to manage your time and move from task to task efficiently.
We will take about 10 minutes of your time to talk about finding photos from reliable sites and that correspond with your song.
We will review the final checklist so you have a clear plan of what is necessary.


  • Be sure roles are assigned and shared with Ms. C (named: time of block color roles example am red roles)
  • Be sure each leader has clearly communicted how to share needed information (in most cases this means creating a Google doc
  • Record songs (Directions here)
  • Record narrations 
  • Share all recordings to I-tunes, send link to your techy via the google doc created by the recording specialist
  • Find pictures for your songs from reliable sources
  • Share pictures and links with the picture overseer in whatever format you have agreed upon ( I suggest a google doc)who will share this info with your techy
  • Lead narrator must make sure an image is chosen (and found) for when the narration occurs
  • Techy finishes imovie
  • I-movie shared to Quicktime and saved on desktop
  • Quicktime movie uploaded to YouTube (unlisted)
  • Link to movie emailed to Ms. Carlisto
  • Each student gathers all drafts of song (yes all the way back to the worksheet with boxes-arrange them in order those worksheets need to be on the bottom and then each successive draft placed on top until you have the final draft you used to record on the top. Staple these and hand them into Ms. C

Monday, December 18, 2017

Day #16 - Monday, 12/18

We start recording tomorrow so today is a big FINAL prep day.  Here is today's checklist:
1. Make sure your music is ready and linked on your google doc
2. Make sure you have a HARD COPY of your song to practice with and read tomorrow during recording time
3. Meet with your group and make sure your NARRATIVE is completed and the person reading each part is prepared.
4. Sign up for a recording time - posted on Ms Carlisto's whiteboard
5. Practice your recording with the music
6. Make sure your final typed version is your FINAL version
7. Assign roles

8. Ask any questions about your song/music to your consultant

Friday, December 15, 2017

Day # 15 Friday 12/15

Gather as a group. Share your songs with each other by reading them in order out loud.  As the writer is sharing his/her piece listen carefully for what the main message of the song is--write it down on a sheet of paper.  Take turns and go through all the songs. Discuss.

Stand and arrange yourselves in order of song (if someone is absent leave a space for him/her). Figure out who has to write what narration.
Begin to draft that narration together by first discussing what is necessary to bridge the two songs together.

  1. make a copy for your group,
  2. share it with everybody in your group and with us,
  3. change fill color to match your starburst color,
  4. add links and craft the necessary narration.
  5. Each person links musical map to top of his/her own final draft
  6. Together write the narration and work through the flow of events

Next step is to consider pictures that will go along with your song and with the narration that you took responsibility for. Put links to those pix in a folder or on a google doc.

Be ready to record on Monday--That means you need to have your final beat chosen and linked to your document.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Day #14 Thursday 12/14

Your consultants have commented on at least one part of each of your songs. Please take a look at the suggestions and consider further changes.  Consultants also ranked your draft that was due today, 1-4:.

  • Process Ranking - How much have you revised?
    • 1--no changes, this is a problem!
    • 2- little change, so much is needed, get going!
    • 3--some changes but there is still more work.
    • 4--evidence of real, significant changes throughout, excellent job!  Changes still should be considered.

Also, Reflect on comments made by your peers yesterday and consider making further changes.

What we need to tell you before you make a copy of the checklist:

  • Everyone needs a Title - creative, consider message of song
  • Chosen beat linked to final draft
  • Underline historical details
  • Change color of text of chorus (dark blue or dark green please)
  • Consider historical photos to tell your story 2-4 choices

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Day # 13 Wednesday 12/13

Day # 13  Wednesday 12/13

Mini Lesson identifying weakness:

Boring Flocabs Say:
Awesome, Yoda Flocabs Might Say:
The Model T went 45 miles per hour
Speeding 45, the Model T did go
Upton Sinclair exposed that sausage had rat dung in it
Rat dung in sausage Upton did expose
The city streets are overcrowded
Overcrowded are the city streets

Your turn:
Log into your drive.
Pull up your song
Read it over
Identify a stanza that seems problematic
Highlight this stanza red
Work on fixing it.

Second half:

Choose one stanza to share with your group.
  1. Reader needs to have 1-2 questions to ask partner for help
  2. Partners should be prepared to share one possible suggestion
  3. Talk this through
  4. Together make changes where necessary
Now work on making changes throughout your song.

HW: 3rd Final draft due tomorrow

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day #12 Tuesday 12/12

First half:
Take out your "First Final Draft"
Step #1 - Underline History
Step #2 - Highlight Yellow -Sensory Imagery
Step #3 - Highlight Green - Powerful adjectives and verbs
Step #4 - Highlight Pink - Literary Devices (symbols, alliteration, figurative language, rhyme etc...)

Be sure final rough draft on lined paper is complete.
Identify tone
Listen to beats with an ear for that tone and a beat that mostly works with your lyrics.

Second half:

Moving into final draft:
Start a new google doc and name it AM/PM group color song # your name  for example AM Blue song #3 Angie

Share document with Ms. C, Mr C

Type final draft lyrics on document you just shared

HW: Final draft typed and shared.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Day # 11 Monday 12/11

Today we will check your rough draft of your song.
You will take out a fresh sheet of paper and begin to rework your rough draft into the first final rough draft. This draft should look more like a song with separate stanzas, a chorus perhaps, and lyrical writing. This paper will be attached to the top of the work you completed for today. We will want to see all drafts together.

Changes you should consider include adding strong verbs, concrete nouns, and hardworking adjectives. Imagery is what makes poetry work-make sure you have used it.

Discussion regarding tone. Beat should begin to be considered. Here are some canned choices. As you listen, consider if the beat matches the message you are sending in your song.

Homework: Complete first final rough draft and have that in class with you tomorrow.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Day # 10 Friday 12/8

Today’s’ goal: Write a rough draft of your song (rhyming not necessary but lines and ideas need to be complete)

Today you should be walking in with research that fills in the holes necessary for your song.
You are now rolling up your sleeves and filling out this worksheet that will help guide the writing of the first draft of your song.
  • Theme Box done as group
  • All other boxes completed individually
  • Once left column complete, must meet with consultant

While you are still seated in groups, you are working individually.

Second block begins with chance to bounce ideas off one another but it should be quiet so people can focus. (5-10 minutes)

Due by end of block: Rough draft of song

HW: Review your rough-rough draft and make changes so it looks like a less rough draft like the one we showed you in class. There is a 5 point grade attached to this assignment.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Day # 9 Thursday 12/7

Woohoo! We made progress yesterday.  

Today’s goal-
Figure out what you still need to know and RESEARCH

How we will proceed:
  1. Fill out “pitch” sheet that should have been shared by one of your teammates. Be sure to be thorough.
  2. Practice the pitch--invite consultant over when ready
  3. Research  / Pitch → Team Conference with Consultant

HW: KNOW your topic--you are responsible for completing a rough draft of your song by the end of tomorrow’s block.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Day # 8 Wednesday 12/6

Yesterday was challenging.  We need to:

  1. spend some time developing the approach to our team’s musical
  2. Researching the details needed for each individual song

How we will proceed:
  1. Get with your groups. First, review the concerns from the other team and from your consultant. (5-10 minutes)
    1. Are there common areas of concern?
    2. What are they?
    3. Can your current arrangement/plan fix those problems?
    4. If not, how are you going to consider rearranging your story?
2. If your group is struggling to devise the arrangement of your musical you may consider: (5-10 minutes)
  1. Place your green cards back on the table.  
  2. Try to think about a theme / big idea / thread that links the topics.  That may be a better approach.  Too many groups are trying to make story that is sequential (first event - then second event - so on…)
  3. Think about who (individual or group might tell the story - the narrator)  What is the advantage of that person/group telling the story?
  4. Do your topics better lend themselves to tell the story live, looking into the future or reflecting on the past?  Or maybe a combination?  This is how you need to think “outside the box.”
3. Collaborate and rearrange the story to “pitch” to your consultant.  The pitch: (Prepare pitch - 15 minutes)
  1. Needs to identify the thread that will weave the story together.
  2. Needs to identify how the story or parts of the story will be told (past, present, future).
  3. Needs to have each individual explain how they will devise his/her individual song (the perspective).  Also, what still needs to be discovered to write that song (this will be the next phase of research)
4.  Research  / Pitch → Team Conference with Consultant