Tuesday, October 9th:
Today, we will practice writing a DBQ. We have created a
practice DBQ that we will work through in THREE groups.
Each group will write ONE BODY PARAGRAPH to share with
the class.
practice DBQ that we will work through in THREE groups.
Each group will write ONE BODY PARAGRAPH to share with
the class.
Checklist for each body paragraph:
1. Introduce the claim. Discuss the time period and the claim.
2. Provide evidence that proves the claim (this comes from the
documents). Breakdown the documents’ meaning (concisely).
While discussing the documents you might include other
meaningful information (omi) that is relevant but not included
in the documents.
3. Connect the document evidence and (omi) to the claim and
possibly the Reconstruction amendments. In essence you are
explaining why the evidence is “good” evidence.
1. Introduce the claim. Discuss the time period and the claim.
2. Provide evidence that proves the claim (this comes from the
documents). Breakdown the documents’ meaning (concisely).
While discussing the documents you might include other
meaningful information (omi) that is relevant but not included
in the documents.
3. Connect the document evidence and (omi) to the claim and
possibly the Reconstruction amendments. In essence you are
explaining why the evidence is “good” evidence.
(Each Body Paragraph Should be 8-12 Sentences)
Write the paragraph in first ½ of block.
Homework: Write a body paragraph for one of the
remaining two claims (10 Points) This is to be handwritten and turned in tomorrow..
remaining two claims (10 Points) This is to be handwritten and turned in tomorrow..
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