Today will have many layers to it:
First, we will take out our work from Mr. Clark's class Friday. We will be divided into small reading groups. Students will read their piece to the small group. In the reading the listeners will ask themselves --> Did the writer bring the event and photo alive?
Elements that should be included in the piece:
1. Historical facts
2. Read like a story not a textbook
3. Important actions and reactions, personal, eyewitness accounts
4. Integrate the photo when of interest
Judging the reading. Each listener will judge the piece based on the above criteria. You will rank the piece 1-5.
5 - The piece is highly informative and interesting
4 - The piece is mostly informative and interesting
3 - The piece was ok but I lost interest at times
2 - The piece needs work, I was not that interested and possibly confused
1 - The piece was not complete or completed hastily
The reader will record the feedback on the bottom of the page. This will be the basis for our final product and is our first run through of what you will create for the culminating project.
Second, students will prepare for Tuesday presentations. The presentation needs to be 2 minutes (=/- 15 seconds) You can practice your presentation and assure you have the 24 words organized the way in which aid you in presenting.
Presentations should:
1. Tell the story of the event. "story-like" NOT textbookish
2. Include key elements from the photo
3. Integrate historical facts
Third, for the final part of this project students will find a NEW PHOTO from their topic. A photo that speaks to them and helps them best tell the story of their event. It will be this photo that is the basis for their final presentation. The photo needs to be displayed on the Google slide show link below (Do not complete today--find photo options only):
HW Tonight - 1. Prepare to present
2. Watch John Green Video and finish worksheet provided
3. Bring earbuds
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