Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Day 4 Tuesday 3/10

Day #4

Today we will continue to master our MAIN stories. We will focus on the EXPOSITION of the plot summary.

Step #1 → Watch 2 videos on your battle/area and read a description. (See below for links)

In your group, discuss the answers to your questions from yesterday’s second reading.

Be prepared to answer any key question from your teacher-mentor. (5-7 minutes)

Step #2 → Start to organize your Plot-Summary Diagram.

First, identify the major conflict (place it in the upper left hand corner of your diagram)

Then, as a group fill in the Plot Diagram for the EXPOSITION. Use sticky notes to complete this part.

Your job is to establish all of the necessary information for setting. What has happened in the war prior to the action? Be sure this is framed in a way that places the US at the forefront. Where geographically is the action going to take place?

Finally, in paragraph form under your notes from yesterday write the context portion of your podcast. The part that reveals setting in context of the war and geographical context.


Use one of the books from up front to find more information on your topic.

Use this timeline to help place your event in context and see some real footage

Find your soldier below and click on the link associated with him to learn even more about your topic

Walk-D-day 1944
Spillman Guadalcanal 1942
Yatsu Poston Internment camps
Currey Ardennes Sept. 1944
Boyle Bros Okinawa 1945
De Blanc Solomon Islands 1943
Murphy Ardennes 1945
Rebstock  Iwo Jima 1945
Urban D+4 June 44
Corbin Battle of the Bulge Dec 1944
Kelly Altavilla, Italy 1943
Poncio Bataan 1942
Moses Tokyo firebombs 1945

HW: Finish the paragraph of contextualization and continue reading your WWII book or working on your project.

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