We will begin by taking 5 minutes filling out the 5 w's of the handout you were given.
We will then fill in the rest of the handout step by step.
We recognize some students couldn't get their articles approved and may, therefore, have ended up with a document that is weak. We will have all students who are uncertain work for a bit with Mr. Clark while Ms. Carlisto oversees the note taking process.
Your worksheets will be due at the end of the block. OR Monday at the beginning of class if you did not finish this today. Summary example
To prove the 14th or 15th amendment was not supported by either the government or the people by finding a primary source document that shows this happening.
Morning block-redo of yesterday's lesson only with steps broken up. (See yesterday's post for all handouts)
Afternoon Block:
Examples of log done well.
Research to find a document--fill out log as you go.
Get approval for article from Mr. Clark or Ms. Carlisto
Fill out form with link
Print article Read with a purpose
1. Read your approved article with care. READ WITH A PURPOSE.
2. Underline or highlight important terms, examples, dates, ideas from the article. Remember the ½ Rule. If you underline or highlight more than half the article you have done too much. Underline the IMPORTANT FACTS of the article W, W, W, W, W, H.
3. Annotate. You need to annotate for every single paragraph. What you should consider a strong annotation:
A note that indicates what the paragraph is about (SUMMARY note)
A question that might need to be answered to fully understand what is being written
A note of how the information in the paragraph CONNECTS to either the 14th or 15th Amendments
(Make sure to annotate in ALL THREE ways listed above)
4. Your reading of the article WITH A PURPOSE is worth 5 Points of this project.
Research log and tips(Make a copy in your drive. Share that copy with your partner and with me -please uncheck notify sender before you share it) example handwritten log--you should type yours. RESEARCH-log each step Goal Each student must have a hard copy of his/her document that either shows the government or the people not supporting the 14th or 15th amendment before leaving--Please fill out this Form to share links with us. HW: Students in the afternoon block need to record at least 4 entries on their research log. They should also be sure their research handout is shared with me. There is no IR reading assignment for tonight. IF YOU ARE IN THE MORNING BLOCK--YOU DO NOT HAVE HW.
XVIII - Liquor Prohibition Passed by Congress Dec 18, 1917. Ratified Jan 16, 1919.
1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited...
Warm-Up Activity:
You will choose a new partner. Mr. Clark will give you a series of historical documents surrounding the 18th Amendment. You will be given 4 categories. You will need to determine which category each of the documents best falls into. We will discuss. Review of 14th and 15th amendment Introduce textbook key term search activity -three groups assigned pages to cull key terms - group 1-pages 554-556 and 677-678 - group 2 all of section 2 - group 3 all of section 3 except page 571 Reconstruction Amendments
After essentially a 3-day weekend it is important to review what we did on days 1&2:
1. Reviewed the Declaration, Preamble, Gettysburg Address.
2. Familiarized ourselves with 17 Amendments to the Constitution. Then, with a partner, ranked your top 10. Created a Class Top Ten based on rankings. From The Class Top Ten you and your partner were to consider what is your Top 3 (not in order per say)
3. Fill-out inventory sheet on those THREE choices (this was started but not completed by groups.)
Today, we continue to look at the Amendments and consider their importance to CITIZENS of the United States:
INTRO - Ms. Carlisto walks through how to submit work for this project. FIRST TASK - Complete the google doc started on Thursday with your partner. (This is the first part of the Final Clarklisto Grade - 5 points) SECOND TASK - Create your padlet slide for the class presentation. You will present 1 of the 3 amendments to the class. You need to be prepared to present ALL three. When it is your turn to present Mr. Clark will tell which one to present. THIRD TASK - Present your Amendment (Both partners should participate in the presentation) Presentation Expectations: 1. Both partners participate (equally or close to equally) 2. When presenting you may NOT just read directly from your tablet. You may have brief notes on an index card for support. You may NOT write down word for word what you wrote on the tablet (just supporting notes) 3. Speak clearly and confidently. This is worth 5 Points.
Yesterday we started our Q1 project. We reviewed: 1. The Declaration of Independence 2. The Preamble of the Constitution 3. Gettysburg Address We then looked at 17 of the 27 amendments to our Constitution. We will start there today. Let's review the amendments. Look at your chart: 1. Teachers will check to see if the 17 are properly matched. 2. As Mr. Clark reviews the Amendments write a little summary near the amendment so you can easily understand the meaning of the Amendment. 3. Here is the link to the 17 Amendments Slideshow 4. After reviewing 1-2-4-5-6-7-8 let's watch this short video on the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments) 5. Let's now review the other 10 amendments.
Now that we have spent some time with 17 key amendments I imagine you have judged that some of the amendments are more important than others. Time to make that final judgement with your partner.
Rank your top ten with your partner (10 minutes). You should discuss why you have chosen the 10 and why you have ranked them. Then, record your ranking on the nicely organized sheets in the classroom. What will be the Class' Top Ten? From the class' TOP TEN LIST choose your top 3 and get ready to dig in and tell us why they stand out as the most important. Your task looks like this:
Discuss with your partner which three are most important
Make a copy of this Google doc (name it amendments)
Name the three amendments you have chosen as MOST IMPORTANT (do this by writing the number and the words written on the short strip of paper you glued down yesterday)
Write out your interpretation of each the three amendments
Explain why each of those amendments falls into the MOST IMPORTANT category. Do not simply restate the amendment. We are looking for solid reasoning from you-what marks it as more important than the 24 other amendments?
Copy your work and paste it onto a new sticky on this padlet if you are morning block and this padletif you are afternoon
Prepare to present your thoughts to the class (you must be able to speak about all 3 you have chosen)
Today we kick off our FIRST of FOUR Clarklisto Projects. We do one in each quarter. This first project will focus on the time period after the Civil War and its main goal will be to RESEARCH if and when the Reconstruction Amendments to the Constitution were a living reality. Like all Clarklisto Projects this is worth 25% of your quarterly grade. Before we start we MUST remember the important documents that are crucial to understanding the time period after the Civil War. Declaration of Independence:
Context: * During the beginning of the American Revolution
* Slavery existed throughout Colonial America.
Famous Parts of Jefferson's Declaration:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...
Big Points - 1. "The People" have Rights
2. "The People" are equal
3. Governments are supposed to protect the rights of "The People"
The Revolution is won by the Colonists. At that point (Battle of Yorktown) America is Born!
America's first government, the Articles of Confederation, did NOT work and in 1787 our founding fathers devised a new Constitution. The Constitution is the framework of our government.
The Preamble (kinda an introduction) gives us the PURPOSE of the new Constitution.
The most important words in the Preamble may be the famous THREE words:
We the People!
The Constitution has SEVEN ARTICLES that are the blueprint to our government. They set up the THREE BRANCHES of GOVERNMENT. They also include the process of CHANGING the Constitution when needed. Changes to the Constitution are called AMENDMENTS. The first 10 AMENDMENTS are called the BILL OF RIGHTS and mostly protect INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS of the CITIZENS of the COUNTRY. Since then 17 AMENDMENTS have been added to our CONSTITUTION. 27 TOTAL.
From 1783 to 1865 America develops, moves westward, acquires land, welcomes immigrants, and grows. During this time slavery is in the South but not in the North. As America grows it divides more and more. This division leads to a bloody, costly war - The Civil War.
The Civil War goes on and on. In the second half of the war, having tried to free the slaves, Lincoln delivers one of the most famous speeches in American History.
Most Important Parts of Speech:
* a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
* for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us
* that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom
The Civil War Ends:
* The Country is "United" * Slavery is over (13th Amendment) That leads us to our first task: 1. In the envelope are 17 of the 27 amendments to our Constitution. There is a description of the Amendment and the # and Title of the amendment. First, with a partner and loosely on the table in front of you try and match the two for all 17. 2. You and your partner compare and check for accuracy with the partners closest to you. 3. Once you have them accurately matched, paste them to a large sheet in the proper order, 1-2-3... 4. As a class let's quickly discuss the meaning of each of the 17 amendments. In the space next to the amendments please jot down the meaning of each amendment in YOUR OWN WORDS. 5. Leave the big sheet here - this is where we will start tomorrow. Homework - Make sure you have read all of chapter 17 "Reconstruction" in the SS8 textbook. AND read 20 minutes in your IR books for ELA.