Thursday, April 16, 2015

Clarklisto - WWII Project (Weekend Assignment)

On Monday, we will start our study of World War II.  Your assignment for Monday is to discuss WWII with your parent(s)/guardian(s).  What we are hoping is through this discussion you find some family connection to WWII.  Did your great uncle fight in the war?  Did your great grandfather fight in the war?  Did your great grandmother work in factory building planes?  What effect did the war have on your family during that time?

If your parents/guardians do not know maybe they can connect you with somebody in your family who does have some connection with the war.  What we are hoping for is that you can find somebody in your family that has a connection with WWII.  If not from your family then a friend of the family will do.

At this point we don't want you to investigate details of any person's involvement.  Those conversations may be difficult and are sensitive.  If those conversations are possible then we will pursue them a little later.

HOMEWORK -->  Reply to this post by explaining how your conversation or conversations went.  Then, explain a connection you found to WWII in your family.  Good Luck!


  1. I called my mom between classes. After she acknowledged I was her favorite we discussed my Uncle Bob. I knew going into the chat, Uncle Bob served in WWII. I found out he was in the Army and served the US in France. He did not fight. He worked in an office where he made sure the American forces had the needed supplies as they fought in Europe.

  2. I spoke with Gramps (my Mom's dad) and found out he was in the Army and in the Phillippines near the end of the war.

  3. My Great Great Aunt Lena Bidwell (dad's side of the family) worked in the Munitions Plant in Eldred, Pennsylvania. Two of my Great Grandfathers on my Mother's side of the family served in World War 2. Great Grandfather Arthur C. Carrow Senior, who fought in the Mountains of Italy, maybe from 1943-1945? Great Grandfather Wilson Walsh served in Belgium, in the Battle of the Bulge, and I think he served from 1943-1945?

  4. My grandpa's dad was in WW2 and he kept a journal and his wife wrote down the injuries he had. He's going to talk to me about the experiences he had but I can't take the journal to school so I will take pictures of it.

  5. My grandfather and his sister served in WW2, as well as my grandmother's brother. The brother was killed in the war. My dad was raised as an army brat and he moved all around the US during the war. I have been told many stories about the war from my dad, grandfather and great aunt, and some are recorded. My dad is still living and I can ask him for more.

  6. My Grandfather was in WWII. He was a Navy First Class Firefighter on the USS Bonhomme Richard. He left San Francisco in 1943 and headed toward Japan near the end of the war. He stopped at Pearl Harbor after it had been bombed.

  7. My great grandfather,great great aunt,and great great uncle all were in the war, with my great great uncle the only one killed during his service.

  8. My now 91 year old Grandpa was in the Royal Canadian Airforce during WW2. He was a pilot and flew on many events such as D-Day.

  9. I talked to my Mom and Grandma and found out that my great grandfather and his brother were in WWll. My great grandfather was in Hawaii during the bombing.

  10. I talked to my grandmother and she said that great grandfather was in the navy during WWII. He lied about his age when signed up (he was 16 not 18). Soon after he was sent to fight in the Pacific.

  11. My great grandpa Sweeney served in WWll as an engineer at a Boot Camp in Great Lakes, Illinios. He didn't see much combat but he did see a lot of recruits headed to war, and had some great stories about life in Boot Camp.

  12. I spoke to my Great Grandfather about World War 2 this weekend. He said that his job was to track enemy planes and chart the different locations. However, he did not fly in the planes, he stayed on the ground. He was stationed all over Europe because he followed the artillery around.

  13. Both of my grandparents were in WWII but I only found information from my Dad's side. He worked in Germany in the army in artillery.

  14. I talked to my Father and found out that my Great Grandfather was in WW2. He ran the gun turrets on the tanks. He fought through the war and survived.

  15. I talked with my Grandpa and found out that he was around the age of ten during WWII. He had to go through bombings and be locked in cellars to be safe. Also during this he had terrible spinal meningitis and was one of the first people to fully recover from it. Not to mention he had to get experimental medicine flown in (because of the war).

  16. My great grandfather Enlisting at the age of approximately 19 on February 14, 1945, Raymond E Ormsby was a a private in the Selectees during World War II.

  17. I talked to my step-dad and he said that his father served in WWII. He was in the Navy and was on a distroyer tender which services the distroyer in the Pacific

  18. I spoke with my grandmother who told me that my Great Grandfather was sent to a concentration camp in WW2 because he was caught forging papers. He forged papers that released a jewish woman's husband from a concentration camp and therefore he was sent to a camp as punishment. My Great Grandfather was eventually released from the concentration camp but died shortly after and never spoke about the camp after his release.

  19. I talked to my Dad and learned that my Great Grandfather was in WW2. He was in the 2nd Infantry Division in 1944 and he joined the 5th Infantry Division on March 13th,1955. He saw combat in France and Germany. He was a Light Weapons Infantry Man. He started as an ammuntion bearer and in 47 months he was a Sgt.

  20. I spoke with my dad and told me that my Great Grandfather Arthur C. Rissberger invented the Beano Hand Grenade and had a patent on it. My Great Grandfather Gordon S. Curry was in the Air Force and flew a P47 Thunderbolt over Germany in the 88 Combat Mission.

  21. I talked to my Dad about my Great Uncle Dave in World War two. My Uncle Dave was 12 years old and on saipan when the battle of saipan happened he hid in a cave with his 13 brothers and sisters fearing for there lives they listened to the bombs explode around them. A group of Marines found the cave thinking Japanese were in the cave they were going to throw a grenade down the cave but decided not to. And went into the cave and found the frightened Sablan family.

  22. I spoke to my Grandfather and he told me I had a Great Uncle George and a Great Uncle Bob in WW2. All I got was that my Great Uncle George was shot down in Switzerland but I'm not sure exactly what my Uncle Bob did.

  23. I spoke with my parents and asked them about my grandparents involvement in WWII (I too am their favorite son). My mom's father was in the Army Post Office and served in North Africa and Italy. My father's father was in the Navy and was on a boat out in the Pacific. Interesting fact too was that my grandmothers had a part to do back home during the war.

  24. I found out my great grandfather fought in the war. He was shot inthe head but miraculously survived. He was in Time magazine and we still have it.

  25. My Great Grandpa Harold was in WW2. He was in Northern Japan as a Marine.

  26. I talked to my dad and he told me I had a great grandfather named Roger who was in WW2. He was in the Army and he was a common ground soldier. When he was in school he went to war because everyone was going into it. He was kind of socially awkward and made a majority of his friends in war like his best friend Clarence.

  27. On Friday night after school I talked to my mom to see if I had any relations with WW2 and she said that my grandfather was in WW1 and my grandfather was in Korean war. So i asked my step dad and he said his dad was in Vietnam. So I asked my dad and he said that he does not know much about his family.

  28. Talked to my grandfather about WW2 he didn't want to say too much. He was very choked up throughout the call. He only said that there was a huge difference between the way his father acted before he went off to war and after. His father came home and wouldn't say a word to anybody, he continued to talk to himself and cover his ears. He would sit down in the chair and rock back and forth whispering to himself. My great grandmother would try to talk to him but he would just get frustrated. He was pretty detailed but I could tell that I should stop asking questions. So I did and we hung up, I knew that he would need a few minutes to get the remembrance of the war out of his head.

  29. I talked to my step dad. He told me that his father Thomas Vassar was in Germany during the world war. During that time he was about 17. My step dad also told me that Tom was in Germany when they surrendered.

  30. I talked to my Uncle Larry about my Great-Grandfather William "Al" Barney who fought in World War 2. He dropped out of high school his senor year and joined the U.S. army and was recruited at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He was stationed in Germany in the war. He enlisted as a Private and made his way to a Sergeant in the Army but left the Army as a Private due to his temper. On his tombstone he has a TEC5 which is something of the higher engineer.

  31. I talked to my grandmother and she said that my great grand father Makader Kendrick served in the Navy in the Pacific as an escort on a destroyer. She also said that my grandfathers father served in Europe. my grandfather recalls seeing his rifle, a German pistol, and his uniform when he came come from the war.

  32. I talked to my dad and he said that there was nobody on his side of the family who was in World War two.So then i went and talked to my mom she said that there were people who faught in the war just not World War two.

  33. I have no connections to WW2. Since my family is from Ireland and Ireland was nuetral.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I talked to my Grandma on my Dad's side and I learned that family my has a long history in WWII. My Great Grandfather served in the U.S. Air Force Army Air Corp as a aerial gunner in France. I have documents that show the medals he received. My two Great Great Uncles served in the U.S. Navy in Japan. My Great Great Aunt served in the U.S. Air Corp and when she retired, she was the highest ranking female. My Great Great Grandmother drove ambulances in England. Finally, my Step Great Grandfather served in the U.S. Army as an infantryman in Africa and Italy.

  36. My Aunt's Father in law F. Paul Jones was in World War 2. He was all over South Africa. He didn't like to talk about the past times until he was 80. Then he died at age 98.

  37. I talked to my father over the weekend and he said that my great papa Roof was in world war 2. he is not blood related but he said that he taught soldiers how to use radios and communicate with other soldiers.

  38. I talked to my mom and I found out that my Great Grandpa Red fought in WWII. He was in the U.S. Navy and was stationed on Tinian Island when the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  39. I talked to my step mom and she told me to call my grandpa so I did. He told me that my great grandpa, James Stanely Colby, had 9 brothers and sisters and 3 of his brothers were in the war at the same time but were in different troops. He was in one of the first troops to fight in mountain territories on skis because he was a skier and a good one. He won the Bronze Star because he was a Foward Observer,which meant that he would sneek behind enemy lines and set communications and artillery. One night he was traveling in Italy and found fox holes, so he went in to see if it was the enimies holes or if they were free to use and the first person he saw was his brother Donald and behind him was another US troop. He first went to war in 1941 at the age of 26 and came home 5 years later in 1945 at the age of 31. A few months after he got home he got married and a year later he had a child and following that were 5 more children. He married a girl 10 years younger than him name Dorothy Hayes. When he was on his way home he got into a jeep accident and broke his neck.

  40. I talked to my grandparents on Sunday. My Grandpa told me his father served but never told him anything about it. Although, my Grandma told me her uncle served and was shot by the enemy. He also won the silver star award.

  41. I talked to my grandmother about her dad, Elziar Armand Martell, who was in World War Two as a Merchant Marine. My great grandfather made many trips to Normandy, France bringing supplies to and from the beaches. That was his job to import and export supplies. After the war he served for another year and was the honorably discharged. People like Mr. Clark's uncle Bob and my great g-dad wouldve have worked very closely together relaying information back and forth.

  42. I talked to my mother and found out that my great-grandfather had fought in the European theater as an infantryman in the 1st Infantry Division. He participated in the invasion of Normandy and was one of the first to hit the beach that day.

  43. I talked to my mother again and found out my great great aunt Dorthy was in France in 1945. Also she was one of the first WAAC's, she was one of the 800 first picked to then train the other women. I have a letter from the man she would marry but not her husband at the time that he wrote to her in 1945. It is not very long but it states how everyone misses her and explains a little on what going on back home. I think this is interesting because in prior wars it was the women writing to the men from home, but now the roles are reversed in this instance.

  44. I talked to my father and he told me that my Great Uncle Hazen was a Canadian officer who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Also he told me that my Great Grandfather Vincent was originally one of the Militaries cooks, but he also fought in the Battle of the Bulge

  45. My great grandmother was German and she married an American GI. Afterwards she brought my grandpa Peter back to the USA to escape persecution. Peter was a product of breeding program - his biological father was an SS officer

  46. I asked my grandma and she couldn't think of any one in our family that was in WW2 then I went and ask my cousin Mrs.Begor twice and she couldn't think of anyone ether that was in WW2 in our family.

  47. I first tried asking my mother about our family's place in WW2. She told me that the my great grandparents died before they told anyone in our family. There is no one in my neighborhood that has any information about WW2.

  48. I talked to my father about my great great grandfather who was in world war II. He was one of the first troups to arrive on Normandy beach in France. He also was in Germany multiple times.

  49. I talked to my parents about my great grandfather who served in the army. My great grandfather was one of the soldiers that stormed Omaha Beach on D-day.

  50. I talked to my father about my Great grandfather who saved in world war ll. I did not receive any details from him about where he was during the war as I needed to talk to my grandfather and I wasn't able to.

  51. I talked to my parents and my dad told me that my grandpa Timothy John White was in the nay and he was stationed in japan towards the end of the war.
